The Bible in Slavic Cultures

  The workshop is a joint venture of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the University of Florence, Freie Universität Berlin, and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, supported by the European Research Council.

It will include presentation of research papers, as well as discussion of perspectives and concrete measures for advancement of the field.

 Our goal is to reinforce an area of research that seems relatively neglected in Slavic studies, and to encourage scholars outside this particular area to develop greater awareness of biblical motifs in the sources they study. 

The results of the series of workshops will be published as the Encyclopedia of the Slavic Bible planned as an ongoing online publication, with the possibility of print publication of individual sections.  The workshop will be followed by the Roundtable joint with the Biblical Commission of the International Committee of Slavists.



Roundtable (Ru)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 30 January 2015