Hesychasm, Word-Weaving, and Slavic Hagiography

Ultimo aggiornamento: 04 January 2023

LaBauve Hébert M.

Hesychasm, Word-Weaving, and Slavic Hagiography

The Literary School of Patriarch Euthymius

Verlag Otto Sagner München 1992

Scheda a cura di: LaBauve Hébert M.


This work represents my doctoral dissertation, done in the Department of Slavic Languages at Brown University under the direction of Professor Robert Mathiesen and a committee of two other readers, Professors Michael Shapiro (Slavic Languages) and Susan A. Harvey (Religious Studies). In addition to my committee of three, many other people have contributed to the evolution and development of this study, and it is my pleasure to acknowledge them here. The first individual I must thank is Michael Scanlon. A t a crucial point in my education, he encouraged me to pursue my love for language and literature; and his friendship and kindness were a constant source of encouragement to me. To Michael I owe the greatest debt of thanks. Amongst those who advised me and gave of their time and expertise are Bogdan Bodanov, Diana Bürgin, Aksinja Džurova, Harvey Goldblatt, John Hallowell, Jennifer Hixon, Klimentina Ivanova, Sonya Ketchian, Horace Lunt, Ellen Sarah Elizabeth Martin, Olga Nedelkovic, Marianne Shapiro, Nikołaj Stančev, Borjana Velčeva, Victor Terras, and Olga Yokoyama. In particular I should like to thank Prof. Dr. Peter Rehder and Leonid Pogrebinsky for the many hours they spent proofreading the manuscript of this book and making invaluable suggestions. Lastly, I must acknowledge, too, the kind assistance of so many librarians at the university libraries of Brown, Harvard, Yale, and Columbia, the Boston Public Library, the Library of Congress, and the Ivan Dujčev Center of Sofia University.

 LaBauve Hébert M.


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