The Ideal Ruler in Medieval Bohemia

Ultimo aggiornamento: 09 June 2021

Antonin R.

The Ideal Ruler in Medieval Bohemia

BRILL, Leiden 2017

The Ideal Ruler in Medieval Bohemia discusses the development of medieval concepts and ideas about just and unjust rulership in medieval Bohemia. This theme is examined in the context of the European political thinking between 6th and 14th centuries.
Robert AntonĂ­n provides new insights into interpretations of medieval sources of various kinds and asks innovative questions regarding the legitimization of monarchic power, the importance of Saint Wenceslaus, the role of ancient and biblical motifs in the Czech sources, and the influence of chivalric ideals on concepts of power. The theme of the book revolves around medieval perceptions of ideal rulership, which is seen as one of the cultural-anthropological constants shaping the social reality of the contemporary world.


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