A Companion to Jan Hus

Ultimo aggiornamento: 04 gennaio 2023

Šmahel Fr., Pavlíček O. e al

A Companion to Jan Hus

A cura di Šmahel Fr. - BRILL Leiden, Boston 2015

Scheda a cura di: Šmahel F.

A Companion to Jan Hus includes eleven substantial essays covering the central aspects of the life, thought and commemoration of Jan Hus († 1415), Czech theologian, reformer and martyr. Besides older experienced specialists in the Hussite studies, also younger researchers who enter the scientific discourse with new approaches participated in the volume. 

Experts and students alike will profit from this guide to Jan Hus, who was well known as follower of John Wyclif and forerunner of Martin Luther. Burning of Jan Hus at the stake at the Council of Constance gave rise in Bohemia to religious and social revolt that ushered the European reformations of the 16th century.


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